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1-on-1 Coaching

Sex and power coaching with pleasure-based tools, all rooted in a vision of collective thriving.

My Coaching Philosophy

Sexual Thriving and Fierce Loving for Collective Succulence

I’m here to help bring about collective succulence — one moment of turn-on, one orgasm, one soulful connection, and one fierce lover at a time. As fellow fierce lovers, we can co-create a bespoke container of consensual, compassionate, inclusive, feminist, and high-value support. We can reimagine and reclaim acceptance, responsibility, accountability, and productivity with more embodied joy and pleasure.

Read below for my: programs I approach I methodology I scope I boundaries I credentials I faq I testimonials

My Coaching Methodology:

  • Focuses on reclaiming of desires and description of sexual thriving on one’s own terms.

  • Utilizes a customized set of sex and/or pleasure-based processes, methods and tools to achieve desired sex/pleasure capacity and skill.

  • Builds a sexual thriving habit by using the acquired capacity and skills systematically to advance specific goals in other aspects of one’s life.

My Coaching Approach:

  • Is consensual, collaborative, transformational and bespoke.
  • Leads with a focus on client desires instead of problems.
  • Adopts an integrative inquiry that leads with social awareness BEFORE self-awareness.

  • Honors and recognizes the possibility of trauma exposure (trauma-informed), but does NOT lead with, diagnose, or treat trauma response.
  • Honors the messy, non-linear, nuanced, and contextual nature of the human experience.
  • Divests from harmful gender-binary construct and oppressive systems.

  • Prioritizes compassionate, gradual, and embodied sex- and pleasure-based methodologies and tools towards behavioral change.
  • Builds nervous-system regulation towards self- and relational resilience with pleasure, rest, and joy.
  • Cultivates consistent self-advocacy, accountability, and aligned (inward and outward) actions.

My Coaching Scope:

In order to prioritize your wellbeing and investment, nurture joy and integrity, plus honor the current scope of my study and lived experiences, I’m transparent about my scope of practice.

My coaching programs are mostly suitable for:

  • Those who identify as cis-het women and men.
  • Those who are sex- and pleasure-positive.
  • Those who are open to questioning existing values and conditionings.

  • Those who are open to hearing about values and actions that are oriented towards the common good and collective thriving (even if you have no strong political affiliations).
  • Those who are in a supportive situation to invest time, attention, energy and funds to a 12-week, 1:1, online coaching program with weekly sessions, daily practices, rest and grace weeks, and accountability logging.


Pay in full and pay-per-level options are available. Fee-reduction support available upon request.

Lists of professionals and resources for the LGBTQIA2S++ and Disabled communities are available here.

My Coaching Boundaries:

  • It’s based on authentic (pre-informed), ongoing consent.
  • It involves no nudity, unwanted exposure, guided sexual touch, flirtation, nor shaming.
  • I reserve the rights to terminate contracts and/or sessions in the event of deliberate boundary violation by clients.
  • Due to the nature of the subject, experiencing moments of arousal and/or an erection is absolutely natural and common. These are informative moments and you’re most encouraged to tell me during sessions.

My Credentials

  • I’ve got a decade of experience working with environmental justice organizations in national and international outreach, campaign and communications; public and donor fundraising; disaster response; and organizational management.

  • I’ve been part of the management teams of a couple of international festivals and online start-ups. Now, I’m fully focusing on studying and running my own feminist coaching business, and I’m having a great time.

  • I also come with an assortment of insights and lessons from growing up in an Indonesian Muslim family during a dictatorship plus the student-led, peoples’ movement that toppled it; running a street-side bakery; living with chronic anxiety and malaise; and being in multiple multicultural, long-term relationships; plus a bit more bits and bobs from my own adventures of sexual thriving and fierce loving. :)

Have More Questions?

I’m so glad to hear!

You can read more about why I do what I do, my teachers and formative influences, my feminist business practicesclient testimonials, and other frequently asked questions like “what’s the difference between sex coaching and sex therapy?” and more. You can also contact me.